I. Obligations
AV-Medien Service GmbH commits to carry out all work activities safely and to use all possible measures to prevent, eliminate and reduce risks to the health, safety and welfare of employees, contractors, authorised visitors and other persons affected by our activities.
We are committed to complying with the Code of Conduct and the European Directive on Health and Safety at Work. This also includes the prohibition of child employment and payment in accordance with the applicable Minimum Income Act (MiLoG). Another obligation is to comply with the German Working Hours Act. (ArbZG).
There are no production locations, branches or subsidiaries outside the Federal Republic of Germany.
II. Responsibility
A. Company
The company provides:
safe working environment
safe working systems
technology inspected for safety
provide all necessary and prescribed instruction and training to ensure that each worker is protected from injury and health risks
a commitment to consult and co-operate with all employees on all matters relating to health and safety at work
continuous improvement and adaptation of occupational health and safety through safety management.
B. Employees
Every employee has the obligation:
follow the occupational health and safety procedures in order to avoid injuries
to follow the instructions of the safety management
to avoid injury to themselves and others, as well as damage to plant and equipmentTto wear personal protective equipment and clothing
carry out an individual risk assessment of the safety rules and measures, if necessary
not to carry out any work that could compromise health and safety at work
report accidents at work immediately, even if they are minor
report all known or observed hazards to management immediately
Application of this policy
To cooperate with employees, customers and other persons and to submit suggestions for improving our work and safety guidelines is always welcome.
AV-Medien Service GmbH
Neumann-Reichardt-Strasse 27-33 (Haus 20)
22041 Hamburg (Germany))
Tel: +49 40 28 40 44 0
Fax: +49 40 28 40 44 20
Responsible person:
Florian Szendowsky, Frank Westhoff